Your event is one component in a vibrant ecosystem of interactions between stakeholders.
Choose how much engagement you want to create between stakeholders in your pre-event and post-event promotions.
As stakeholders successfully connect with each other around the event, the natural evolution is for stakeholders to want to connect with each other in mutually beneficial ways all the time - not just on days of the event.
Choose how much of the in-person and online interactions between stakeholders between events you want to be responsible for, or participate in.
Uniting for Action recommends that you either provide opportunities for online engagement between stakeholders, or create a strong strategic partnership with those that do want to cultivate the ecosystem online because the strength and organization of the online ecosystem will become the main driver of the demand for your in-person events - determining number of attendees, which vendors participate, sponsor levels, etc.
Uniting for Action has created the Channels platform as the cutting edge way to combine content creation and artificial intelligence to allow stakeholders to find and engage with each other every day under the umbrella of your brand.
This builds your brand and influence - including your followers, attendees, sponsors, and revenue - every day of the year.