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Uniting for Action

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Energetic Planet Leadership Council Luncheon & Meeting

This Saturday, May 5th, noon - 4pm
Mamushka Gallery
31 NW 36th St. Miami, FL 33127

$19 includes Networking Luncheon and one month of
Energetic Planet Leadership Council Membership

I spent last evening with our out of town guest presenters, and I can't tell you how excited and honored I am to bring these treasures to our community!

Dr. Elaine Valdov
(visiting us from New York) has served our global community for many years in many leadership roles at the United Nations, including: Chair - Executive Committee of NGOs Affiliated with the UN DPI, Chair - UN NGO University for Peace Committee, Vice Chair - UN NGO Millennium Forum, Director - Task Force on Women Empowerment & Gender Equality, and Director - UN "World Week of Peace."

She has come here on a mission to collaborate and synergize with you and your personal, professional, and community interests to create an International Youth Leadership Summit - she was the co-founder and Secretary General of the Youth Assembly of the United Nations!

She is connected with the highest level of resources on the planet! Can you think of a way to create a value exchange with her!?!

Jay Ponti
(visiting us from Los Angeles) has spent years assembling teams of Hollywood-based talent from celebrities to writers to producers in support of his PeaceLink Live! project.

On 11/11/12, synchronized music and multi-dimensional performances will be broadcast around the world from Los Angeles, New York, and Miami!

Jay is ready to connect you into a wide-range of international resources, including the best of what Hollywood has to offer, if you can think of a way to create a value exchange with him.

Luchi Estevez
has devoted years of her life to bringing nutrition, yoga, permaculture, art, music, and love to thousands of underprivileged children in South Florida, Los Angeles, and her native Dominican Republic. She just opened the doors on the new world headquarters for the La Luchi Foundation right here in Wynwood!

Having travelled the world as a model, actress, public relations executive, and television personality, interviewing people like Donald Trump and David Wolfe, she is about to take the world by storm with the launch of her La Luchi Magazine!

She will be running from our meeting to the world premiere at the Canes Film Festival of the new movie she is starring in, "The Whisper!"

To know Luchi is to love Luchi! She is a radiating sun of energetic light! Can you think of a value exchange that will light up your world?!?

Jared Krupnick
has devoted years of his life as a web programmer to visualizing how we can utilize the vast, and currently underutilized, power of the Internet to organize our resources and human energy to effectively address the planet's most compelling challenges.

With a degree in Aerospace Engineering (yes, he is a rocket scientist!), and having previously served as the Membership Director of the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, on the Board of Directors of the Davie-Cooper City Chamber of Commerce, as a co-founder of Expand the Love, and currently, as the Director of Development of the La Luchi Foundation, Jared is now bringing it all together in his Energetic Planet project!

With a Strategic Plan for transitioning to a sustainable society, a Technology Platform to support the transition, and this Energetic Planet Leadership Council as a Membership Organization, together we are aligning our energies locally and across the planet to manifest the paradise on earth that burns brightly in all of us!

Join us on Saturday as we co-create the magical future for our planet together, and allow the energy of what we are creating together to radiate beyond the room and beyond the day to fill our Energetic Planet with the bright future we are creating now!!!

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