1:27 king of wands
5:45 monk mode is the way
12:42 three kings on the board - inner masculine is gaining strength
13:11 an ability is on the brink of bursting out of me
13:40 princess of coins - ability to listen, stand tall in vulnerability and attract because of it - stability; balance of masculine and feminine
19:43 worrying about people is hidden form of evil eye; better to have faith
24:30 I have authority, and I’m not showing it; there’s a certain level of authority that
26:11 they wanted me to have discernment like no other
27:00 lower self is out of there; higher self is taking the reigns; I will have access to infinite intelligence
27:41 swords; cutting ties with all these resistances so that the dragon at the base of my spine can come up and reveal the gold underneath
28:38 spend time near the water to recharge
28:58 when the iron is hot; take action
29:34 be patient while I sit in the dark; I’m going to see a lot of light in the coming days, weeks, and months