As we're aligning around our values, the one agreement that everyone that's using the Uniting for Action systems must agree to is to live by The Golden Rule - to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
It is this one agreement that all the Uniting for Action Systems have been designed around, because it leads us to a sustainable society.
We’re leaving behind our old paradigm of getting the best bargain that we can - getting the most we can while giving the least - because taking that intention to the furthest degree leads to exploitation.
That’s why our current selfishly-based paradigm will never lead us to health and vitality on our planet. We have to shift the paradigm to one of supporting each other, and supporting the planet, and that all becomes possible within a paradigm of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us because in that paradigm we're always providing a fair exchange of value because we always want a fair exchange of value to come back to us.
If we're not able to come to an agreement about a fair exchange with some person or some business that's totally fine - we don't have to create an agreement with them.
We create agreements with the people, and the businesses, and the entities that we can create a win-win fair exchange of value with.
Living by The Golden Rule allows us to go to another level of collectivism by institutionalizing having a Connector in the middle of all our transactions.
In our current society, most transactions involve a buyer and a seller coming together. We do have many different Industries and businesses, like the real estate industry, where it’s common practice to have people in the middle of the transaction earning commissions.
We’re taking that model to the extreme, where for every transaction there will always be at least one Connector in the middle of the transaction, but often times it'll be several generations of Connectors, and oftentimes you, as a connector, may be just one of many people that each provided a data point in a query that led to somebody making a purchasing choice. In that case, all of you that contributed your data to the Collective Global Brain will fractionally earn a commission on the transaction.
What we’re doing by institutionalizing The Golden Rule into all our systems like this, we can then track all the different ways that we're each providing value to the world, and ensuring systematically that the appropriate value comes back to us automatically.
Often times our recommendations are going to create a lot of value for others, and now, appropriately, we’ll have a lot of value flowing back to us.
This model creates a win-win-win-win because:
- the person we’re supporting gets what they want to be successful
- the person that's providing the support is successful
- we’re earning a commission that’s helping support us
- and the world is in a better place because we're reinforcing and strengthening the paradigm of collectivism within our society.
The support that comes back to us in the form of earned commissions gives us the freedom to provide even more support to others.
As we all agree to live by The Golden Rule, every single relationship becomes a potential revenue stream for us to be able to have finances flowing back to us from all of our relationships in direct proportion to how much we’re supporting all of them.
This creates a positive feedback loop for us, where the more that we do for others, the more we're able to do for others.
As our positive feedback loops keep growing and growing, in many cases that’s going to create more income for many of us than we currently have flowing to us.
This new Connector paradigm allows us to not be limited to selling only our own products and services to others. Now, we can sell anybody else's products and services to anyone in the world.
That gives us the opportunity to infinitely expand to whatever level we can based based on all the ways that we're empowering ourselves.
All of this, and more, becomes available to us by simply agreeing to live by The Golden Rule - to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.