Team Member – Katie MacQueen

Katie MacQueen

Katie MacQueen


Master of Public Health with a concentration of Epidemiology

Colorado School of Public Health-CU Anschutz

Research Team Leader

Production Team Member

Katie is a Master of Public Health candidate at the Colorado School of Public Health. Her main interest is in infectious disease epidemiology, which was part of what drew her to the Vaccine Considerations Project within the Uniting for Action framework.
She received her undergraduate degree in Environmental Health at Colorado State University where she fell in love with public health. Once she has completed her degree she would like to work with a health department to improve the health of a community.
She has enjoyed her time with Uniting for Action as a part of the Production Team and the Research Team where she served as research team lead. She especially enjoyed presenting for the FDA, as it really improved her public speaking skills. When she is not working or studying, she is crocheting or enjoying the beautiful outdoors of Colorado.

Research Team

Polarization Analysis

One of the major topics that Katie MacQueen and teammate Hannah Carroll analyzed was the impact of the political climate of the US and vaccination rates.

They collected and analyzed articles and scientific papers on various aspects of the topic. They also developed interview questions for experts on the topic.

They looked into evidence of political polarization, political messaging and vaccination rates, and identified some potential solutions to deficits caused by political polarization.


FDA Presentation Proposal

One of the most exciting projects done by the Research Team was the opportunity to present for 5 minutes to the FDA during their open public forum regarding the booster shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

In this proposal, the team discussed the concerns of depleted worldwide supply if boosters were administered to the general population.

The team also discussed the confusing mixed messages coming from the US government. The information for the proposal was collected from a variety of sources.

FDA Presentation Script

Katie MacQueen and Jared Krupnick presented in front of the FDA. In Katie MacQueen’s section she discussed the concerns surrounding the worldwide vaccine supply brought forth by the WHO. She also discussed concerns over the unvaccinated population in the US and the efforts still needed to vaccinate these populations.