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Month for Action

A coordinated series of large-scale climate events across America designed to:

  • elevate climate awareness and urgency
  • grow the scale of our national climate response
  • build and activate a national network of advocates
  • organize massive, coordinated actions that move society towards sustainability

August, 2017

Building the Fire

The Rallies for Action are the high-visibility, attention-getting, organizing centerpieces of the Month for Action.  The Rallies will bring everyone together, connecting us all into a network Uniting for Action, taking sustained, massive, coordinated actions in order to bring society back onto a sustainable path.

August 19th

Objectives (why are we doing this?)

  • give a literal stage for people in the climate movement to have an audience, record their speech with high quality video, and create a large library of video content, along with a large roster of leading voices, for us to work with for our ongoing and future campaigns
  • create a large, attention-getting, media generation moment that gets the general public’s attention, and then channels that attention into joining an organized network that allows them to take meaningful, coordinated, collective actions that result in measurable progress

National Organizations


Hold as many large-scale, media-generating rallies in cities and towns across the country as possible on Saturday, August 19th.


We’re using the Rallies and Marches for Action to:

  • create wide media coverage to raise climate awareness across society
  • inspire those that haven’t yet seen An Inconvenient Sequel to go see it
  • expand awareness and education about the impacts and consequences of climate change on our daily lives
  • create an opportunity for corporations, organizations, and politicians to demonstrate their commitment and leadership
  • create a connection between our commitment to climate change and our voting and purchasing choices
  • help us stay connected to our commitments to climate change via ongoing actions
  • create awareness and interest in our Gatherings for Action

Members’ Roles

National Organizations

One or more national organizations take the lead on activating their existing network of local groups to schedule, plan, and produce Rallies for Action in their local communities.

Uniting for Action will work with the organization to centralize as much of the administration and management of the Rallies as possible through our National Action Team, building a strong national infrastructure designed to effectively support future planned campaigns, as well as future rapid action mobilization when appropriate.

Our National Organization partners will work with our National Action Team to standardize, as much as possible, the Rally for Action:

  • format
  • lineup structure
  • content
  • distributed information
  • press releases
  • public and media relations
  • photography and videography coverage
  • email blasts
  • social media promotions
  • municipal relations
  • venue management
  • sound production
  • security
  • sponsor opportunities
  • etc.

As much as possible, we want to provide all local organizing groups with a “playbook” of all the Rally elements to be managed, along with ongoing direct support from the National Action Team.

Many of the Rallies for Action will be immediately followed by Marches for Action, leaving from the Rally location as soon as the Rally concludes.

The Rally for Action page on MonthForAction.com provides more details, as well as a national map and calendar of all scheduled Rallies.

Members’ Benefits

National Organizations

High visibility and leadership position for organizations in the national climate conversation.

Participating organizations will be prominently featured in all press releases and in all online and offline communications and promotional materials.

The intention is to create widespread local and national media coverage of the campaign, supporting the participating national organizations’ goals around:

  • climate leadership
  • public relations
  • branding
  • membership expansion
  • capacity building
  • fundraising
  • etc.

In addition to the visibility benefit for the national organizing partners, we want to work with organizations that want to build their capacity for managing scheduled Rallies for Action for like this.

Uniting for Action will be repeating these Rallies for Action in February and August, 2018 (see the Year for Action campaign here), and we want to work with organizations that also want to build this network to be able to rapidly respond to national or international events that call for an organized response within a couple of days, or even the same day, as we’ve seen some occasions for this over the past few months.

Local Groups & Chapters


Work with a coalition of different local groups and chapters of national organizations to schedule, plan, and produce a Rally for Action in their community on Saturday, August 19th.


We’re using the Rallies and Marches for Action to:

  • create wide media coverage to raise climate awareness across society
  • inspire those that haven’t yet seen An Inconvenient Sequel to go see it
  • expand awareness and education about the impacts and consequences of climate change on our daily lives
  • create an opportunity for corporations, organizations, and politicians to demonstrate their commitment and leadership
  • create a connection between our commitment to climate change and our voting and purchasing choices
  • help us stay connected to our commitments to climate change via ongoing actions
  • create awareness and interest in our Gatherings for Action

Members’ Roles

Local Groups & Chapters

Work closely with the National Action Team to select the best Rally for Action location, and source the local resources devoted to the production of the Rally for Action:

  • featured speakers
  • information distribution
  • attendee comfort
  • public and media relations
  • photography and videography coverage
  • municipal relations
  • venue management
  • sound production
  • security
  • etc.

Work closely with the National Action Team to coordinate Rally for Action promotions:

  • flyer distribution at Watch for Action events
  • email blasts
  • social media promotions

Work closely with the National Action Team to coordinate local Rally for Action participants:

  • local groups
  • national organizations
  • leaders for action
  • event production resources

Members’ Benefits

Local Chapters of National Organizations

Create an opportunity for the local chapter, through this and the other Month for Action events, to significantly increase their:

  • number of local members
  • support by local businesses
  • engagement of members
  • connections with government officials
  • media contacts
  • connections and collaborations with other local advocacy groups
  • capacity to plan and execute this and future campaigns

Leaders for Action


A major component of the Rallies for Action are featuring the Leaders for Action:

  • elected and government officials
  • climatologists
  • celebrities
  • climate advocacy leaders

We’re inviting climate leaders and public officials to come inspire people about what we can accomplish together when we Unite for Action.


We want to leverage the name recognition of many well-known climate activists to boost the public’s and media’s attention and interest in the Rallies for Action and the important climate issues we’re addressing at the Rallies.

We also want to use the stage of the Rallies for Action and the attention they will generate to feature climatologists, public officials, and others who are being leaders for climate issues in our communities and beyond.

Members’ Roles

Leaders for Action

The Leaders for Action are being invited to participate because of leadership roles they have already been playing for climate change.

We are asking for Leaders for Action everywhere to participate in one or more of the following ways:

  • commit to attending a specific Rally, March, or Gathering for Action so that we can include your participation in our press releases, public promotions, etc.
  • create, post, and send us a link to a “selfie” video expressing your support for the Month for Action and the Rallies for Action
  • share MonthForAction.com on your social media
  • make yourself available for comment for local or national news coverage of the Month for Action
  • contribute to a montage video like this (contact us for the script): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM0HJ8jXa-g
  • encourage other influential Leaders for Action to get involved
  • contact us about being involved in future campaigns

Members’ Benefits

Leaders for Action

Actively create the world you want to live in.

Leverage your influence with others to help raise awareness, education, and urgency around climate change.

Leverage the media’s interest in you to make climate change a hot topic in the media during the Month for Action.

Leverage the public’s interest in you to help create additional interest and attendance at the Rallies and Marches for Action.

Create visibility around a crucial issue for humanity, with so many egregious climate justice issues deeply affecting people now.

Reinforce your brand association with being a climate champion.

Raise your voice and level of leadership around climate change at this very crucial time.

Be featured in online and offline communications and promotional materials, including:

  • press releases
  • websites
  • Facebook event pages
  • social media posts
  • email blasts
  • flyers distributed at all Watch for Action events

The intention is to create widespread local and national media coverage of the campaign.

Click here for why activating Leaders for Action is such an important strategy for the Month for Action campaign.


Corporations, Foundations,
and Local Businesses


Provide opportunities for businesses and organizations to leverage their resources to amplify our efforts and results.


Significantly increase the resources behind our efforts through the support of sectors of society that support the expansion of awareness, education, and positive action around climate change.

Members’ Roles

Corporations, Foundations, and Local Businesses

Provide support towards the planning, organizing, and execution of campaign elements in various ways:

  • financial support
  • staff support
  • media contacts
  • public relations
  • marketing
  • campaign development
  • photography
  • videography
  • promotions
  • contacts with high profile influencers
  • contacts with government officials
  • etc.

Members’ Benefits

Corporations, Foundations, and Local Businesses

High visibility and leadership around the climate conversation.

Opportunities to be featured in online and offline communications and promotional materials, including:

  • press releases
  • websites
  • Facebook event pages
  • social media posts
  • email blasts
  • flyers distributed at all Watch for Action events

The intention is to create widespread local and national media coverage of the campaign, supporting your goals around:

  • climate leadership
  • public relations
  • branding
  • client acquisition
  • etc.

Political Organizations

Important Note: As described in our Uniting Principles, Uniting for Action is founded on the belief that climate change, like other human, civil, and environmental justice issues, are bipartisan issues that everyone has an equal stake in, regardless of political orientation.

We don’t want to turn off or alienate any event attendees.  We want everyone to feel welcome, accepted, and be wholeheartedly involved and supportive of our efforts regardless of their political preferences.

As such, any information that is officially distributed at any Uniting for Action events must be non-partisan in nature.


Have national and local political organizations provide climate change political and legislative information to Rally for Action attendees.


Facilitate the channelling of people’s stirred up energy after attending the Rally for Action into awareness, education, and legislative action around climate change at the local, state, and federal levels.

Members’ Roles

Political Organizations

Provide printed flyers to Rally for Action attendees with information such as:

  • local, state, and federal representatives, with contact information for each
  • government officials’ voting records regarding climate issues
  • upcoming town halls and public appearances by congressional representatives
  • local and national climate legislative initiatives such as the “Put a Price on It” campaign

Members’ Benefits

Political Organizations

High visibility and leadership around the climate conversation.

Opportunities to be featured in online and offline communications and promotional materials, including:

  • press releases
  • websites
  • Facebook event pages
  • social media posts
  • email blasts
  • flyers distributed at all Watch for Action events

The intention is to create widespread local and national media coverage of the campaign, supporting your goals around:

  • climate leadership
  • public relations
  • branding
  • client acquisition
  • etc.



Provide a wide range of opportunities to contribute to the campaign, allowing everyone to take ownership of the results we all create Uniting for Action!


Maximize the impact that every individual can contribute to this effort by allowing them to align their unique talents, skills, and passions with an aspect of the campaign that gives them the greatest fulfillment.

Members’ Roles


Because we are pulling the first Month for Action campaign together in such a short timeframe (from the June 1st announcement of the Paris Climate Accord withdrawal to the August 4th release of An Inconvenient Sequel), the likely limiting factor in the results we will be able to create will be based on the number of organizations we are able to reach out to and enroll as Partners, as well as how effectively we will be able to manage all the backend communication, coordination, and resources.

Because those limiting factors can be greatly expanded by every individual that supports in those areas, you could have a huge impact on the results of the whole campaign through your individual contribution.

We could really use your support in your local community, as well as via the Month for Action National Team if you are interested in contributing on a bigger scale.

Please click here to let us know how you’d like to be a part of our Uniting for Action efforts.

We are also very interested in any support that any individuals can provide in any of the specific skill and experience areas that are a part of the campaign:

  • event production
  • community organizing
  • municipal relations
  • management
  • media
  • public relations
  • copywriting
  • marketing
  • campaign development
  • soliciting financial support (from individuals, local businesses, corporations, foundations)
  • creating and managing crowdfunding campaigns
  • advertising
  • artists
  • graphic artists
  • photography
  • videography
  • video editing
  • video production
  • filmmaking
  • promotions
  • social media management
  • social influencing
  • contacts with high profile influencers
  • contacts with government officials
  • etc.

Please click here to let us know how you’d like to be a part of our Uniting for Action efforts.

Members’ Benefits


Opportunities to play a significant role in local and/or national organizing and execution of the Month for Action campaign.

Extreme satisfaction in knowing the difference you made at this pivotal time where the future of humanity and of all of life is hanging in the balance of how effectively we deal with climate change.

You understand that our societal response has been inadequate to this point.  This Month for Action campaign and the future campaigns that will be built on top of the foundation we create here are us stepping up our game – coordinating, organizing, and collaborating on a higher level to create results on the scale necessary to effectively ensure a sustainable society and a habitable planet.

This is your opportunity to play a pivotal role in creating a bright future for us all.

Please join us in Uniting for Action!