Watch for Action

We’re using the release of “An Inconvenient Sequel” to elevate and expand the climate conversation.

The Watch for Action campaign is creating greater awareness, education, and urgency around climate change by inspiring more people to go see An Inconvenient Sequel through:

  • the “Invite Your Friends” campaign
  • Inconvenient Watch Parties
  • Sharing Inspiring Videos

Who is Uniting?

We’re the people, businesses, and organizations that understand that we have to work together in cooperation and synergy – Uniting for Action – to scale our solutions big and broad enough to effectively address the current and future challenges in our communities and in our world.

Why Action?

In the face of the powerful forces shaping our current world, if we want something different, we have to take massive, coordinated actions – on a much bigger scale than we have been.

What actions are you willing to take to create the world you want to live in?

Start by joining those of us Uniting for Action!

November, 2017

A coordinated series of large-scale events designed to:

  • create public and media attention around COP23 - the United Nations Climate Change Conference
  • elevate climate awareness and urgency
  • grow the scale of our society's climate response
  • activate a network of advocates
  • organize massive, coordinated actions that inspire us to create a sustainable society

The Rallies for Action are the high-visibility, attention-getting, organizing centerpieces of the Month for Action.  The Rallies will bring everyone together, connecting us all into a network Uniting for Action, taking sustained, massive, coordinated actions in order to help guide society back onto a sustainable path.

November 4th

The first part of the Marches for Action are the high-energy release valves for all of our pent-up emotions and frustrations.  The second half of the marches will be devoted to reinforcing the actions that we are all willing to take to proactively create the world that we want to live in.

November 4th

Watch for Action is a social media campaign for COP23 – The United Nations Climate Change Conference.  Online tools will be provided for tuning into news and developments from the conference, encouraging learning and sharing via videos, articles, and resources.

Monday, November 6th -
Friday, November 17th

The Gatherings for Action are designed to be the bridges from the high-energy Month for Action to our daily lives, helping us find ways to stay connected to our commitments around climate change, incorporating climate-friendly lifestyle, purchasing, and voting choices into our lives on an ongoing basis.

November 18th

Uniting Objectives

We’re uniting people, businesses, and organizations across society on a massive scale to:

  • maintain a habitable planet, and create a sustainable society
  • effectively address human, civil, and environmental justice issues
  • provide education and information that allows everyone to align their lifestyle and purchasing choices with their personal principles
  • leverage bloc purchasing power to influence corporations and institutional investors to align business decisions and investments with the health and welfare of the population and planet
  • restore our representative government so that government actions reflect the will of the people
  • organize a network of advocates that allows everyone to take meaningful, collective actions around the issues they care about
  • create and execute strategic plans and campaigns that scale our grassroots solutions to the scope needed to address our most challenging local and planetary issues

Uniting Principles

The people, businesses, and organizations Uniting for Action, are united by the following principles:

  • We take responsibility for our world, and do our best to align our daily choices and actions to create the world we want to live in.
  • We express our dissent about what we don’t like in order raise our energy level.  We choose to channel our energy into organizing and collaborating to proactively create what we want.
  • We’re willing to take the actions necessary to achieve what we say we want.
  • We recognize and embrace the need to come together in cooperation, coordination, and synergy in order to scale our solutions to the necessary scope to adequately address our most challenging local and planetary issues.
  • We seek the active participation of all people, businesses, and organizations, regardless of religious, cultural, or political affiliation.
  • We believe that human, civil, and environmental rights should not be politicized.  We seek to be a unifying force to create liberty and justice for all.

Strategies for Action

We’re being very strategic in our approach.

We’re working with the forces that move society.

We’re creating strategies and campaigns that bring together diverse sectors of society that, together, can powerfully execute the types of large-scale, coordinated actions required to effectively guide society towards a sustainable future.

Forces for Action

  • industries
  • industry associations
  • corporations
  • investors
  • lobbyists
  • unions
  • laws
  • regulations
  • governments
  • appointed officials
  • elected officials
  • polls
  • election campaigns
  • political action committees
  • political parties
  • faith-based organizations
  • religions
  • religious leaders
  • houses of worship
  • students
  • educational institutions
  • educational standards
  • science
  • research organizations
  • foundations
  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • media
  • social media
  • viral videos
  • memes
  • social media influencers
  • online content
  • non-governmental organizations
  • grassroots movements
  • events
  • leaders
  • celebrities
  • television
  • music
  • movies
  • art
  • books
  • people

Leaders for Action

Here’s a selection of the Leaders for Action that we’ve identified for their outspoken support of climate issues, and that we’re inviting to participate in our Month for Action campaign:

  • high profile environmental advocates, such as:  Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Nye, Ed Norton, Matt Damon, Ed Begley Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, David Letterman, Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Jack Black, America Ferrera, Lesley Stahl, Gisele Bundchen, Richard Branson, James Cameron, etc.
  • public officials, current and past, such as:  Al Gore, Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg, Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Brown, etc.
  • national climate organizations, such as:  The Climate Reality Project, The People’s Climate Movement,, Indigenous Environmental Network, The Sierra Club, etc.
  • national activist organizations, such as:  Women’s March, ACLU, NAACP, National Organization of Women, National Urban League, Native American Rights Fund, etc.
  • political organizations, such as:  The League of Women Voters, Our Revolution, Indivisible, MoveOn, Rock the Vote, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, RepublicEn, etc.
  • corporations that publicly expressed support for the Paris Climate Accord before the withdrawal announcement, such as:  Apple, Facebook, Gap, Google, HP, Intel, Levi Strauss, Mars, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, PG&E, Salesforce, Tiffany & Co., etc.
  • campaign creators, such as:  The Ad Council, The Amplifier Foundation, etc.
  • foundations, such as: Barr Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Energy Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, UN Foundation, etc.
  • filmmakers, such as:  Years of Living Dangerously, Michael Moore, National Geographic, The Discovery Channel, etc.
  • art activists, such as: Steve Cutts, Shepard Fairey, etc.

* Note: These are climate leaders who are being invited, and whose participation we welcome in the Uniting for Action campaigns.  Unless otherwise indicated, none of these people or organizations have yet made a commitment to be affiliated in any way with Uniting for Action.

Bringing Leaders Together

We’re highlighting these Leaders for Action because of their past efforts and results.

Imagine if all of these leaders were working together in cooperation and synergy!

We can so clearly imagine it that we’ve created Uniting for Action to make it happen.

What would you say to these leaders to inspire them join us in Uniting for Action?

Find out by joining us, and helping us reach out to all of them and more.

Let’s get everyone on the same page, Uniting for Action to create the world we want!