Campaigns for Action
Our Campaigns for Action are opportunities for you to join with other Members for Action and Leaders for Action to employ Strategies for Action to create immediate tangible results for society, while simultaneously laying a foundation for expanded results in the future.

April, 2018
A coordinated series of large-scale events designed to:
- help us address all human, civil, and environmental issues in an organized way
- create widespread public and media attention
- grow the scale of our society’s response to important and urgent issues
- expand and activate a network of engaged advocates
- organize massive, coordinated actions that inspire us to create a sustainable society

The Rallies for Action are the high-visibility, attention-getting, organizing centerpieces of the Month for Action. The Rallies bring us together, connecting us all into a network of people Uniting for Action, taking sustained, massive, coordinated actions to help guide society back onto a sustainable path.
April 7th

The first half of the Marches for Action are the high-energy release valves for all of our pent-up emotions and frustrations. The second half of the marches are devoted to reinforcing the actions that we’re willing to take to proactively create the world we want to live in.
April 7th

Watch for Action is a social media campaign to create awareness and engagement around the Month for Action. Live streams, recorded videos, and online tools will be provided for tuning into and sharing Month for Action events, videos, articles, and resources.
Throughout April

The Gatherings for Action are designed to be the bridges from the high-energy Month for Action to our daily lives, helping us find ways to stay connected to our commitments around the issues we care about, incorporating issue-friendly lifestyle, purchasing, and voting choices into our lives on an ongoing basis.
April 28th

The Year for Action campaign will include:
- Month for Action – April, 2018
- Month for Action – August, 2018
- ongoing Actions throughout the year
- additional special events throughout the year
A coordinated series of large-scale campaigns for an entire year designed to:
- elevate public and media attention around all human, civil, and environmental rights issues
- organize coordination, cooperation, and synergy amongst all sectors of society around critical issues
- grow the support infrastructure of our grassroots response to the scale necessary to effectively address local and global issues
- engage and grow a national network of advocates
- organize massive, coordinated actions throughout the year that move society towards sustainability
- engage the public with the local, state, and national political processes in the ways necessary to ensure that the 2018 Elections and governmental policies reflect the will of the people

Planning the April, 2018 Month for Action, knowing that we’re building capacity to execute a larger-scale version of the Month for Action in August of 2018, we’ll make sure that we focus on establishing a strong infrastructure to build on.
April, 2018
The intention of the April, 2018 Month for Action is to bring awareness and action to all human, civil, and environmental issues in an organized way.

We’ll use April’s Month for Action to:
- greatly expand the number of participating organizations in the Year for Action
- deploy strategies to leverage and coordinate more of the Forces for Action across society
- secure higher levels of corporate and foundation support
- get much more sophisticated with our online and traditional media campaigns
- reach and engage more of the population
- build organizational capacity and membership for all of our partner organizations in communities across the country
We’ll kick off the Month for Action with Rallies and Marches on April 7th.
We’ll feature Earth Day on April 22nd.
We’ll wrap up the Month for Action with Gatherings on April 28th.
April 7th & 28th

After spending the Year for Action getting very organized and educated around the issues we all care about, this is our opportunity to ensure that the candidates we’re electing in November will accurately represent our interests and concerns.
August, 2018
The August, 2018 Month for Action is timed to coincide with the Federal Congressional Recess just a couple of months before the 2018 mid-term elections in November. This will be a perfect time to have town-hall style Gatherings for Action with candidates, giving them the opportunity to answer questions and clarify their positions around the issues that we care about.

August 4th
We’ll kick off the Month for Action with massive Rallies for Action on August 4th in arenas around the country.
Can you imagine 15,000 seat arenas filled in major cities across America? We can!
We can create huge campaign-like rallies, featuring all the leading:
- experts
- organizations
- corporations
- advocates
coming together around all the issues we care most about for one night, Uniting for Action, and starting off with a bang for all the events, actions, and media coverage to come throughout the Month for Action.
Join Us in Uniting for Action to create this!