In a nutshell…

Uniting for Action is a collective of people and businesses agreeing to live by The Golden Rule – to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

Uniting for Action - Intentionally evolving our world.

We’re pooling our resources to create a system that lets us leverage the power of the collective to optimize our time, money, and influence to create the highest level individual and collective results possible.

The Golden Rule is the Rule

The Uniting for Action Collective System is based on The Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you – and requires alignment in order to work.

It works when all of us want for each other as we want for ourselves.

This gives us the ability to operate as a collective, and to leverage the power of the collective.

People trying to take advantage of other people will be suspended from the system in order to keep it functioning for all of us.

Pledge to live by The Golden Rule

* indicates required

Intuit Mailchimp

* Note: We will not share your email address.
We will not email you more than once a week.

Positive Feedback Loops

A positive feedback loop is created when the more you put into something, the more you get back, which allows you to put even more in, getting even more back, allowing the cycle to keep looping, and expanding indefinitely.

We’re going to quickly evolve to where any relationships where we don’t have a positive feedback loop going will generally be a much less efficient use of our resources than where we do.

Uniting for Action seeks to create the highest level positive feedback loop with you, growing in scale as quickly as possible in a win-win-win for us and the collective.

Creating Results in Your World

Uniting for Action’s leveraging the power of the collective to support you in bringing your full power to the priorities in your life.

We’re helping you use the latest advances in artificial intelligence, video production, and other leading edge technologies to optimize the use of your time and resources to create results in your world:

  • Empowerment
  • Leadership
  • Technology
  • Production
  • Business
  • Influence
  • Revenue

* Note: This is a video playlist. Click on the icon in the upper-right, and scroll down the list to see all the videos related to how we’re Launching You Into Your Future.

Collective Thoughts

Uniting for Action has created a prototype for a revolutionary social media website that allows us to shift from the “individual” thinking we’ve done our whole life to a new “collective thinking” process, where every time we have a thought, our artificial intelligence assistant will provide us with all the information we could ever want to know about all the people who have previously had the same or similar thoughts, and where they took those thoughts, and what collective actions have been undertaken, and which ones are pending, etc.

We’ll soon be comparing our “Thought Maps” with the Maps of others to instantly assess our compatibility with potential business associates, personal connections, brands, products, books, movies, etc.

Comparing everything to our Thought Map will become the default filtering mechanism that our artificial intelligence will present us with options that are a match with our Thought Maps, and avoid and “deal killer” differences between our Thought Map and that of others that we’re asking our artificial intelligence assistant to evaluate.

* Note: This is a video playlist. Click on the icon in the upper-right, and scroll down the list to see all the videos related to Leveraging the Power of the Collective.

Connectors – Collective Commerce

Connectors are key to our Collective Commerce system.

There’s always at least one Connector, and often more, earning commission on every transaction between a buyer and seller.

* Note: This is a video playlist. Click on the icon in the upper-right, and scroll down the list to see all the videos related to Connectors.

Collective Actions

This is the 30,000 foot overview of how everything fits together to for you to take collective actions at scale that create the world you want to live in.

* Note: This is a video playlist. Click on the icon in the upper-right, and scroll down the list to see all the videos related to the 9 Simple Steps to Creating the World You Want to Live In.

Sneak Peak

Here’s a sneak peak of the Uniting for Action Collective System in action.

Contribute to the Collective

Contribute to the Collective

How much should you put in?

Use this video as a guide…

Exchange of Value

Here’s the value we’ll provide to you based on how much you contribute to our co-creation.

Keep in mind that the biggest value to you is that we’re creating a world we can live in.

Life on our planet thanks you!

Support Now

None of us can do this on our own, but we can all do it together.

Please contribute an amount that represents how important and urgent it is to you that we start working together to take collective actions at the scale and scope necessary to create meaningful results:

Venmo: @UnitingForAction
CashApp: $UnitingForAction

Click on this PayPal Donate button now:

* Note: Uniting for Action LLC is NOT a 501c3 nonprofit. Donations to Uniting for Action are NOT tax deductible.